Since outcall escorting was introduced in London, most top London escorts agencies have adopted the practice. Here at Rita Speak, we decided that we would found out why so many gentlemen seem to prefer this new and exciting from London escorts of A few years ago, it was, after all, very popular to date incall escorts in London. But, outcall escorts now dominate London and the service seems to be on the increase in other parts of the country as well. I have always been into dating London escorts, says Tom with a smile on his face. Sure, I have tried having a relationship with a normal girl, but for some reason or another, my personal relationships have never worked out. Since London escorts introduced outcall escorting I have been making the most of it. When it was into date incall escorts in London, I used to date perhaps once a week. All of that has changed since I discovered outcall escorts in London, I now date at least three times per week. Joe is another guy who loves to date London escorts. He has been dating London escorts ever since his marriage failed three years ago. Does he make use of outcall escort services in London? Joe told us that he thinks that outcall escorting is fantastic and he loves it. As Joe works long hours in the City of London, he often finds it hard to find the time to hook up with incall girls. Instead, he waits until he gets home and can call his local outcall escort services in London. He says that dating outcall saves him lots of time and he dates more frequently than ever before. Alan does love his London escorts. The only thing that he does not like about dating escorts in London is traveling around the capital. It can take ages he says with a bit of a smirk. Dating outcall escorts in London is far more convenient according to Alan. All you have to do is to give your local London escort agency a call. Soon a sexy young lady will turn up and you can start to enjoy her company. Alan says that he has been going for longer dates since outcall escort was introduced across the capital. It seems that outcall escorting is the way of the future. Most London escorts now work as outcall escorts instead of incall escorts. The girls have come to appreciate that working as outcall girls have many advantages to them as well. They do not any longer have to pay for an expensive boudoir to work in. As we all know, working in London and renting an office or a boudoir away from home is very expensive. This is just one of the many reasons many London escorts choose to become outcall escorts in London and work from home instead. Also, most men like to arrange longer dates which means the girls do better and don’t have to rush around so much.