I have to admit that I am slightly body obsessed, and I am wondering if I should go for a lip sculpt. Many of the girls here at London escorts of https://charlotteaction.org have had various procedures. For instance lip enhancement or lip implants are very popular with all of the girls here, but I think that my lips look okay. It would perhaps be nice if my cheek bone stood out a bit more, but you can’t have it all. I am pretty much happy with the way my face looks, but I am not so happy with other parts of me.
For instance, I think that my thighs need a helping hand. I do exercise a lot but I can get rid of some extra bulky bits on my thighs. To be honest, I am pretty religious about my exercise routine, and before or after my job at London escorts, I always go to the gym. I do spinning, yoga and a bit of weight lifting as well. It probably all helps but I don’t seem too able to shift those annoying little inches, and they keep starring back at me in the mirror. It does get on my nerves!
This is the main reason why I am considering going for a bit of lip sculpture. Lipo suction has long been popular here at London escorts, but lipo sculpt is a little bit different. It basically means that they remove fat from certain parts of your body, and it is more of a sculpting action than anything else. There is less bruising, and it is a treatment which focuses much more on certain areas such as thighs, hips and bum. Sometimes, lipo suction can be a bit brutal, and it can look a bit funny after you have had it done.
What I am trying to achieve is an allover balanced look, and not just end up with straight legs like some of the other girls here at London escorts. I do think that the gents we date here at the agency like to see a well-toned figure but they don’t like to see us looking like boys. It is all to let that happen if you for lip suction. No, I really want to focus on retaining my femininity and look super sexy at the same time. From what I have seen from lipo sculpt work, you can achieve that with this method.
I know that I am a bit vain, but I honestly think that most London escorts are bit vain. We always seem to be rushing off to the hairdresser or having our nails done. It can’t be helped, and I think it sort of comes with the working for an escorts service, you are sort of very body conscious most of the time. If, I am really honest with myself, I probably don’t need to have this done. But it is something I would like to have done for me. I feel it will give me that extra bit of swagger.